Door Curtain Matsuyama (3 Sizes )
Door Curtain Matsuyama (3 Sizes )
Surely if you read manga or watch anime or doramas you will have noticed short curtains that hang from the entrances of Japanese-style bars (izakaya), street food stalls (yatai) or community bathrooms (sento). They are the noren curtains, like the Door Curtain Matsuyama, that you can put in your home and give that Japanese touch that you are looking for, it is available in two sizes and in four different ways to hang it, including, of course, so that you choose the style that It feels better to you.
Authentic Japanese Door Noren Curtain
Material: Printed High Quality Cotton Linen
Feature: Wash it equal or less than 30ºC (86ºF), do not use bleach, hang it when dry, iron it to less than 110ºC (230ºF) and do not put it in the dryer.
Quantity: 1 Japanese Noren Curtain.